Thursday, December 17th, 2015

You have to remember one thing…

To say times have been a little difficult lately would be an understatement. While my kneecap was broken last Friday, this week has been pretty much survival while waiting on my MRI consultation and subsequent surgery.

  During this time I’ve really been reliant on the help of others just to complete simple tasks like showering, or even feeding myself.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’ve been focusing my energy on what I can do instead of what I can’t.

I saw a tremendous heart warming story on Undercover Boss, a show that desguises business owners as new employees. Getting a rare chance to meet his employees without them being aware of the person they are interacting with is their boss, it allows the boss to get a sincere impression of his employees.

What this boss did when he found out a mother of 3 in his company was living at a homeless shelter was truly inspirational, please share the video as everyone can use a positive message like this