Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

You gotta be kidding me…really Mr. Police officer?!

Argh…Tourist Trap 101.

Today while heading up to Kata beach…the police had a road block set up stopping everyone.  Usually in Phuket they have a couple of set destinations where they will stop traffic to issue tickets, and collect donations from the visiting falangs…everyone knows these spots and unless your not from here you know to avoid those areas.

Lately I’ve been noticing them stopping EVERYONE–including Thai’s…and today they had a road block set up in a new location.

I left my AZ Driver’s License (Yeah that works here) at the house.  I was wearing a helmet…but when I couldn’t produce a driver’s license…I got a 300THB Tix…wish I could remember where I put that library card…might have worked today!~

Atleast he was nice enough to let me take a picture with him after he fined me.  LOL…he even asked me to re-take the photo so he could put his hat on.  I couldn’t help but to think of the ol’ NWA Classic as I was driving home…mad at myself for leaving my ID at the crib.
