Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

You can find me at the @seedjuicebar at the @Qoutmarket

Another first Saturday of the month, and another Qout Market.

I missed last months as I had just got back from traveling, so I HAD to make it today.  To my surprised there were several new venders, and many of my favorites from my last visit.

Next month will be the last Qout Market until November, so those of you in Kuwait make sure you check it out.  The ‘farmers market’  is on the Rooftop of the Arraya Center’s car park the first Sat. of the month.

Last market I attended I bought 2 1/2 Kilos of Acai and some local artwork.  This time I was on the hunt for food…lol.

I picked up a great hot sauce I believe is called ‘Kout way’..not positive on that though as the entire label is written in arabic, lol.

Also snagged some really good Malabar coffee.  And to top it all off I grabbed a great Green Juice from the Seed Juice Bar,  The Green Seed Juice Bar puts together all sorts of powerful juices that are full of vitamins/minerals/and antioxidants.  Those of you who juice at home will love this place, because they do all the cleaning for ya! LOL
