Saturday, December 8th, 2012

Yeah!! I’m out of the hospital!!

I know… I haven’t updated the blog much, but to my defense…I’ve been under a lot of pain lately…lol.

I’ve been in the hospital since Monday, and while I originally had put up a blog entry from my hospital bed thanking all the “real” friends who came and visited me—wishing me good luck…I also put a few lines in the post which were negative towards a certain ex associate who’s been causing my life some un-needed stress and drama.

Rather than leaving the blog posting up–I thought better of my judgement and decided to delete the post.

At the end of the day, I don’t want to hold on to anymore negative energy as it’s just counter productive.

A quote I heard the other day which really stuck with me…

“every minute of your life you spend mad at someone, is 60 seconds of happiness you rob from yourself”—nothing more true!!

**For all of you**

who have wished me well thoughts, came to visit, sent prayers, or even helped raise money during my medical crisis…I truly appreciate your support…it is friends like you that let  me know I am going the right directions in life!!

Without getting into a huge and embarrassing explanation of  what exactly  put me into the hospital for the past week…let’s just say it was a legit medical emergency…and a story that is better told in person…LOL—Those of you close enough to me…next time we are in a place selling beers—buy me one and I’ll share with you one of the most horrific/painful medical experiences I’ve ever experienced…

Tomorrow I will be ”Celebrating” my 30th birthday–which will probably include streaming some bootlegged UFC fights, and continuing to let my body heal from the recent surgeries I’ve incurred.—quiet the trade from the weekend in Bali competing for the Indonesian Grappling Championships, but I’ll take it!

The next important date for me is Dec. 19th, when the Doctor’s will remove the catheter from my groin, and inspect the operation to ensure the ”intestinal” issues I suffered have healed correctly.

Please keep me in your thoughts, and prayers until then…

Inshallah, the surgery and healing process will go as expected, and by this time next month I will be in the Boracay Philippines with my friend Ole Laursen at his legacy gym, enjoying paradise, preparing for a huge upcoming opportunity!!

Much love and support from everyone, this is just a minor setback, and 2013 already looks to be a huge year with many new friends and adventures on the way (more on that to come)!

My soon to be Fiance, has been by myside this entire ordeal, not only ‘helping the handicap’ child in me—but offering words of encouragement when I felt like breaking down and simply giving up.

My mother, who all the way in the USA has been sending me constant emails of encouragement and reminders of how loved I truly am.

Too many people to thank individually, Mr. Thong, and Lil’ Eshton deserve a special mention with all they have been helping me with while I’ve been bed ridden.

I’m already looking forward to meeting with all of my friends in Kuala Lumpur once I’m healthy enough for a night out…and I just want to say once again…

