Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Woot Woot!!!!

Okay…after the terrible 9hr delay from Melbourne to Singapore…I missed my connecting flight.

The ground staff that greeted us as we got off the plane were rude–uninformative…and generally just made me wanna ‘glove up’ n’ put em in the cage with me…LOL.

They told me that I was going to have another 16 hour layover and that it wasn’t going to be possible to get on an earlier flight….and tried to push me into a van and bring me to some budget hotel that probably serves as a short time room when pissed off Jetstar customers aren’t staying their

Disgruntled I ignored their commands and went straight to the Jetstar counter…and *BOOM*…the lady in the picture put me on a flight leaving in 4 hours!!!

—while this whole return flight home from the UFC has been balls—this ladies willingness to accommodate has put a smile back in my face. Thank you