Friday, May 27th, 2011

…Wonders if ‘Cocky Cali’ is going to be #lateagain tomorrow?!

…I guess every class has one–

That student who has potential, but is lacking the focus and dedication to really reach their maximum abilities.

…At TMT—‘ours’ would be Trevor…AKA ‘Cocky Cali’–LOL.

Having trained in California with ‘Nasty Nate’—>Cocky Cali is an 18 year old kid who relocated from the USA (California) and is now living in Thailand.

He has an active guard, and even though he is still a ‘white belt’…but has caught several higher belts during practice…forcing Wiktor and Myself to smash on him to prevent his Ego from inflating anymore :P

…Potential doesn’t make up for work ethic and discipline though—and today when he was 11 minutes late for practice…I let him pick his own consequence.

—‘Cocky Cali’ told me he was willing to do 11 minutes worth of pushups.

—-I told him to get into the pushup position and start…if his knee touched the mat…he could restart the timer—but he would not be allowed to join the class again…until he had gone 11 minutes without letting his knee touch the mat (in the pushup position).

….I’m proud to say—He was able to do the entire 11 minutes in the pushup position…without letting his knee touch the mat…in his first attempt

—-I’m also proud to say…That after 11 mins and 26 seconds he successfully completed 41 pushups…a ‘record’ I beat in less than a minute.

…Can’t lie…I kinda hope he is late again tomorrow—and we get to pick another consequence for the ‘not being responsible and dedicated to training’ –grab bag :)