Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Why do we put the wedding ring on our 4th finger?

Not sure why the video is commentated by a Stephen Hawkins sounding audio, however it was an interesting video about a Chinese interpretation as to why we put our wedding bands on the fourth finger.

The idea of being married, and staying together is something that seems to diminish with time.  With divorce getting statistically to the point that it is almost the ‘normal’ category, its nice seeing a video emphasizing the need to stay together.

It is unrealistic that you are going to be married for 50+ years and not have financial troubles, infidelity concerns, heath problems, or any of the other variables that put pressures on marriages and force couples to separate.

The whole idea of meeting ‘Mr Right’ and never having any problems, moving into a house with a front yard surrounded by a white picket fence, with 2 and a half kids and a dog is unrealistic…However the idea of being in love, communicating concerns, serving each other, and being for one another through thick and thin, better and worse, is exactly what a life long marriage is about.

Today’s blog entry is for my Queen B :)