Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Who says MMA fighters are dumb!?

I don’t think people understand the amount of preparation that goes into a big MMA fight.

People that are “fans” of MMA, know that “mixed martial arts” means fighters have to focus their training in several areas. Unlike a Muay Thai or boxing fight…Submissions, Wrestling, Striking, all play a part in designing a “game plan” for the bout.

On top of the “Combat training”–fighters also have to pay attention to their diet, in addition to strength and conditioning.  Cardio has so many dynamics, preparing for the “Up-Down-Up-Down” caused by mixing grappling with striking really makes the strength and conditioning it’s own science.

While leading up to Joe Ray’s fight with UFC vet Chad Reiner we did an extensive scouting report.  Before the camp started we watched as many video’s as we could gather on the opponent (prolly close to 15 fights) and critically dissected each minute of each clip. After forming our “Scouting report” we went into training camp with specific goals in mind.

One unfortunate thing that happened to Chad…not giving himself enough time to arrive before the bout…his connecting flight in Japan was delayed and he missed the “day before” weigh in’s.  Arriving into Singapore at 1am–On The Day of the fight–he was forced to “hold weight” until 8am when the officials were able to verify his weight on the official scale.  Playing psychological warfare…we tried to order a cheeseburger to his room from the lobby—but the hotel outsmarted us…and didn’t let us place the order…because the call wasn’t coming from his room. (Not as good as when Renzo Gracie’s guys ordered Hookers to Wes Sims room…but it was a decent

The Video of Joe Ray’s fight isn’t online yet—but I’ll go ahead and post our report.  Joe Ray did an excellent job of sticking to the game plan and an even better job of listening to his cornerman…UFC Vet Brodie Farber shouting fight time instructions. Sticking to report, Joe Ray earned a 3rd round KO…and picked up a sweet Superfight Belt for his efforts.

Scouting report Chad Reiner

25-11 record

5 armbar wins

3 RNC wins

3 Kimura wins

Reiner is prodominately a lower body wrestler.  A lot of his takedowns come off of shots, and driving the opponent to the fence.  This fight is going to be 5 rounds, 5 minutes.  The longer the fight goes the higher the odds are that we are going to KO him.  Play it safe, stay in the fight, the KO will come. Cornerman- make sure we let Joe Ray know each minute of the round. 1 minute in, 2 minutes, halfway.  After the halfway mark of the round…count backwards for him. Only 2 minuts left, 60 seconds left.  When there is 20 seconds in the round let’s try to finish each round with a flurry and steal it from the judges. Make sure Joe Ray can hear his cornerman. If for some reason you can not hear them during the round, at the break tell them they need to speak louder.

*Against the fence*

-Keep feet pointing at an angle “Not squared up”

-Head position—keep forehead in his chin

-Push the head—keep his head off your body

-above the hips, pull him up. Below the hips push him down and away

-Get your back off the fence!

-watch the single/high crotch off the fence

-foot stomps

-when we knee “Push Pull” in the clench to make it more affective


-counter his low kicks with a straight right– Reiner tends to drop his hands when he kicks

-Reiner is going to use the over hand right to get the bout into the clench

*when in the clench…anytime Reiner punches to the body—go over the top with an elbow*

Things for Joe Ray

-MAKE SURE YOU ARE STEPPING IN WHEN YOU ELBOW!…don’t just “throw the elbow”—step in and throw it

-make sure you are on your toes, not flat footed and circling to your right

-don’t start your combinations with a kick, set up the kicks with punches first

**Stay in the circle—BRODIE tell him to rotate away from the fence, let him know when he is getting close**

-combinations of 4-6 strikes; don’t forget the body shot!

When on Bottom

If we are in full guard, try to control his posture.  Use the fence to work ourselves back to standing.  Chad will actively try to pass.  Try to keep the underhook on the opposite side he is trying to pass.  If Chad has the underhook—omoplata attempt.  Elbow strikes from on bottom can go to the shoulder too!

Feet in the hips—push him away.  If his posture gets too high when striking—feet in the chest—push away. Half guard- WATCH OUT FOR THE KIMURA.  If he goes Kimura, get your shoulder onto the mat.  If he tries to go Keylock—but your head inside the figure four.  While in half…lets  Get your underhook, and put your other hand on your forehead so he can’t control your body.

When on top

Play it safe.  We don’t have to finish him on the ground.  He likes to work a lot of butterfly guard to sweep or get back on top.  If he starts to play butterfly, pummel for your underhooks and put his back flat on the mat.  POSTURE—HIPS—GNP.  We are not worried if the REF stands the fight up for lack of action…WE WANT THE FIGHT STANDING THE KO WILL COME.  If you find yourself on top…try to eat as much time up on the clock as possible.  REMEBER: Two hands in, or Two hands out. Do not get caught in a triangle choke because your arms are seperated.  ALSO: Don’t let your hands get above his “nipple line” if our arms are never extended he can’t armbar us.  T-Rex arms!

Submission defence

Armbar—Don’t just try to slam out of the armbar.  If we slam make sure we are grabbing our other arm so we don’t “extend” our arm when we pick him up.  I would prefer to “stack” if he goes after an armbar.  Roll him onto his neck, grab our other arm, and put our foot under his butt, stacking him against our knee.

RNC– The “Far side” hook is the most important to defend.  If he gets the side closest to him in, we can always sit back into our half guard.  From turtle if he gets both hooks, “Tripod” up and kick the hook opposite of his head out—then pull him over the top.  If you can not get his hook out, “SPIKE” him on his head.  If he is still on your back, put your back on the mat—walk your body back, fall off to the side, and remove the hook with your feet.  ALWAYS FIGHT THE CHOKING HAND!

Tiger Muay Thai now has an overall record of 9 wins and only 3 losses in Martial Combat.  Besides the success of the guys in MC…we also had TMT alumni’s Yasubey Enomoto pick up a win in the opening round of the Sengoku Weltwerweight Grand Prix and Adam Schindler got another win this weekend on the Strikeforce Houston fight card!

It’s no wonder Ultimate Fighter contestant JJ Ambrose and BJJ Black Belt Adam Kayoom will be arriving at the beginning of the month to finish out the training camps for their next fights.

***After reading all of that…if you still want more to read..check out Interviews on Joe Ray and Brayden Summer’s recent wins**