Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Where the heck are you living now @Rayelbe?!

LOL…I know…I know…I’ve gone a bit quiet lately…that is what happens when your grinding!

Been meeting with architects, interior design, website development, and other professionals needed for my newest project…Kuwat Combat Athletics.

Still WAY TOO EARLY to make any official announcements on the gym…however with all of the Tweets, Emails, and Facebook hit ups..I figured I better drop a little hint into what I’ve been doing lately!!

Keep an eye on this spot to learn more about KCA, including the trainers, programs, projected open date, youtube videos, and website details…I promise you guys…lots of info coming SOON!!

Those of you in Kuwait…Hit me up…I’m here now, and looking to meet as many friends as possible!!

Hope to see everyone at GFC 3 coming up at the end of the month!