Thursday, December 20th, 2012

What do you need in order to feel loved?!

Argh!!! The media!!!! Forget the initial shame…now comes the breaking it to your friends and family…

My mother truly unconditionally does love me….even after the embarrassment…she’s still sent daily emails of encouragement.

Here was some motherly knowledge she kicked to her son in her last email to me…

Ways to communicate love;

There are five basic ways people communicate. It is called “love language.” We generally have one primary love language, and sometimes a close second one.

Words of affirmation require compliments, words of encouragement and needs a spouse that creates an environment of self worth.

A second one is quality time. It requires time spent together by sharing, listening, and doing joint meaningful activities. You know, spending time together as a couple.

A third love language is gift giving. To these people the gifts are visual symbols of love. Even a cut flower from the lawn brings a smile to these people.

Another love language is acts of service. Call this the handyman love language.. :)

And the last one is physical touch. Even a small touch on the shoulder can be powerful for this Love Language.

15 years married…—and some serious knowledge.

I’ve been appreciating all the acts of love everyone had been sending me.

Your warm vibes have been helping me heal.


…getting more mature each day ;)

How do you need to be shown love?!

How many ways have you shown love?!

….lol…perverts.—some of you prolly should stay on the under ground UG