Sunday, December 8th, 2013

What a fun day in #Q8 @Qoutmarket @acaibrazil_kw @inspireQ8

Quot market is going on the first Saturday of Every Month until April from 10am-7pm at the top of the Arraya Center’s car park.

It’s kind of a Farmer’s Market, although that description really doesn’t do it justice!  I was impressed with all of the product for sale, lots of young Kuwaiti entrepreneurs getting their product out to the masses.  Tons of Healthy food options including an impressive Organic selection of foods.

I was a bit pressed for time after going to the BarStarzz seminar at Inspire Fitness earlier in the morning, however I got a chance to enjoy most of the market, including some delicious pizza from Solo Pizza Napulitana!

Doing a bit of shopping, I picked up a small piece of artwork by a local Kuwaiti artist, which I think will be a cool souvenir.  I bought the artwork for 15kd, which I thought was reasonable and a great way to support Local artists. aa


I also picked up a bit of Acai….LOL…Okay..maybe a lot of Acai.  The Superfruit is super common in the USA, however since moving to the Middle East, I honestly can not think of any places that actually sale the antioxidant.  After walking around the Quot Market, I finally found the Acai Brazil stand, and to my surprised they were only selling Acai by the bowl…

After a bit of negotiating skills, I was finally able to get a 3.6 Kilo bucket of the delicious stuff…it only cost me 20KD (roughly 75$)….Worth it’s weight in gold…lol.  Hopefully with the increased popularity of Acai, the price will drop a bit in Kuwait, I don’t know if I can afford to develop this habit…lol
