Thursday, May 20th, 2010

What a dirt bag..

Life in Thailand is very simple.

One of the hardest things about training for a fight…is the fact that after you have pushed your body to the limits physically…you still have to cook–clean–and maintain your personal chores…That’s why most of the top fighters in the UFC have an entourage that includes a personal assistant.

Here in Thailand–I’m fortunate enough to have a maide clean my house twice a week. Food is so cheap…that I eat out every meal…and I drop my laundry off for service.

Just picked up my clean clothes. For 450thb (about 14$) they washed, ironed, and folded 2 weeks worth of clothes ;)

*ladies…could you imagine how amazing life would be if it was someone else’s responsibility to take care of the house chores?!?!…sure frees up more time to actually enjoy life!