Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

What a day…

Long day today.

Woke up at 6:30 am, headed to the gym and busted out a 20 minute run before heading to the airport.  Meeting up with Minimac we flew to Singapore just in time to enjoy a light dinner before heading over to Fightworks Asia gym.

I gave my Nogi grappling seminar–covered some basics of the sprawl, and then attacks from when your opponent is in the turtle position.  Good attendance, Martial Combat Superfight Champion Ole Laursen showed up along with BJJ Black Belt and UFC Ref Steve Purcivel.  After the seminar I got in 4, five minute rounds of grappling…which was nice…and allowed me to get a good sweat working.

Two of the boys made weight this morning- Joe Ray and Ian Bone will be fighting tomorrow.  Both have tough fights…but have trained hard and are well prepared for battle.

Cyrus and Mushin will be making weight tomorrow, with their fights on Thursday.

Tomorrow will be another early morning, Andreas is going to put me through a 5 round, 5 minute boxing pad session, in addition to another 20 minute run.  While I’m in Singapore–this trip is still very much about business.