Thursday, May 5th, 2011

VH1 ‘The X life’ reality stars @madame_fox and @PLGsk8 training @tigermuaythai

*BOOM*…walked into the gym today to find 4x X-Games gold medalist Pierre Luc Gagnon at the gym. PLG competed at the Shanghai X-games, an event promoted by ESPN STAR Sports, that works very closely with the Martial Combat fight promotion, which is shown on TV in 24 countries to a broadcast of over 310 million homes.

Currently on VH1 Pierre Luc Gagnon and Denise Russo are starring in a reality TV show called ‘The X-life’ a reality show that focuses around the lives of Extreme Sports Athletes and their families. The show focuses around PLG and Denise as well as, BMX rider Cory “Nasty” Nastazio and his girlfriend Nicole, motocross rider Jeremy ‘Twitch’ Stenberg  and his wife Susie.