Friday, December 28th, 2012

Update from the Dr. On #opperationCockrecovery

Truth is…I’m getting better at handling bad news…lol.

You have to. Spent my 30th bday-and Xmas with a silicon catheder inserted into my Minimac….picture taking your dog for a walk with the leash tied around his manhood…and that’s essentially what this experience has been like for the past month.

Dec.26 was the next “big day”—the day after xmas where I had hoped to go back for my big checkup and receive the news that everything was fine…and the dyck tube would be coming out….however god had other plans.

The pinhole size tear, while smaller in size from my last visit is still existent…meaning the catheder will remain until my next follow up Jan.9th…lasting through the New Year.

Those of you still following the blog…please keep that date in your prayers.

Due to schedule commitments I’ll still be forced to travel to Orland jan. 1-6th in order to attend Master Lloyd’s business marketing seminar in preparation for my new project which is soon to be “officially announced”.

On top of all of this hecticness already going on ….we decided to get PRK corrective eye surgery completed, since I was already down and out–essentially in a wheel chair already (updates on the eye procedure later…lol…as it was unpleasant…but a completely different update some will find beneficial)

After this entire experience I can say that I’ve learned.

I’ve learned about myself.

I’ve learned what being a “man” is about.

I’ve Learned what loved ones really mean…

I’ve learned to make lemonade from lemons. And I’ve learned to spell “happiness” without the word “penis”

Like all traumatic experiences in life, this course of events has been life altering.

I thank my girl who for better or worse has remained by my side and has proven how amazing of a women she is. Panda Power!

Moving forward I’ve learned the importance of honouring your loved ones…and to think all it took was being blind for a couple days with a broken dyck…lol

Thank you again for all the supporting emails, tweets, instagrams, texts, facebooks, etc…they have all been encouraging, this entire experience is something you could never understand unless you’ve been through it. The injury, the media, the psychological effects, the personal growth…it’s been a miracle of the unforeseen type.

Please keep Jan 9th in your mojo books for me, and once this entire experience is over…I can’t wait for a cold beer and a nice restricted-free walk on a sandy beach somewhere in the tropics…any rumoured “threesome” would just be a bonus at this point…lol.
