Monday, June 7th, 2010

Ever wake up on Monday and wish you didn’t act a fool on the weekend?

Diet- Guess that is something that needs to be a life style.  You can’t diet 5 days, and then take 2 off…at least after this weekend that is how I’m feeling.

Usually on Friday’s the boys from the MMA class get together for a “Team Dinner”.  Anyways–last Friday we went to Sizzler…and instead of “only enjoying” the salad bar…I decided to order a BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger to go with it.  I KNOW…I KNOW…but the Cheeseburger looked so good on the menu–and it was Friday.  (BTW…The Cheeseburger was amazing)

Anyways–Saturday I did a good job of maintaining my diet, went for a 20 minute run and did a few rounds of Grappling with Strikes (GNP) as I’m helping Joe Ray finish up his training (He’s fighting a tough BJJ Black Belt from Evolve Singapore)

Sunday however–I gave into temptation for a second day.  After sleeping-in for most of the afternoon I woke up late, and had a craving for Pizza.  I KNOW…I KNOW…but the Pizza was everywhere…it was like every commercial, every dream, every thought I was having…involved a Pizza.  (Yeah–I know…I’m a fat kid…)  So I went and  ordered a large- thin crust- Grilled Chicken Pizza.  I ate half the pizza for lunch, and half of it for dinner.  During the day I bought a few DVD’s…and when it was time to finish up the left over pizza…enjoyed three tall San Miguel beers as I watched my new movies, and feasted.

Well…Today I paid.  AFTER morning training I stepped on the scale at 91.5 Kilos (201 lbs)—convinced the scale was “off” at the gym…I drove to Tesco Lotus during my break and purchased a “new digital scale”–Egh…let’s just say…my weight was accurate.

After watching that… I ate a light lunch, and decided to step up the cardio for the PM training session.

Ran 40 mins today, hit 3 “hard rounds” of pads, and did a couple of rounds of Muay Thai- and Ground and Pound training.  Following my workout, and after a healthy dinner…I am now 89.3 Kilos (196.5lbs).

My fight is still a bit away (about 5 1/2 weeks)…but is going to take place at 80 Kilos (176lbs).

I’m use to making 77 Kilos (170lbs) when I fight…so this cut/diet isn’t going to have to be as significant as I’m use to.

Ideally…I would like to be around 83 Kilos the day before the weigh in’s…so that I don’t have to “Sauna” too much weight.  I’ve “cut weight” before, and know I can do 6 Kilos…but it’s rough on the body, and really isn’t enjoyable.  Rather than shredding all of that weight (water) last minute…I’ve decided I am going to stick to my diet better, and continue doing the things I need to do to put that championship belt around my waist.