Monday, August 9th, 2010

UFC Vet Mike Ciesnolevicz shows us how to stop from being taken down off the fence

Thanx to UFC vet Mike Ciesnolevicz for making it to the evening “Advanced” MMA training tonight.   Mike fought 9x’s for Pat Miletich’s ‘Silverbacks’ team during the IFL.  He is also a 2x UFC veteran who wrestled collegiate at Lock Haven University.  Holding a purple belt in BJJ he is a very well rounded fighter, who has been training at Tiger Muay Thai in an effort to increase his striking skills.

Helping Brayden Summers and Joe Ray finish out their training camp for Martial Combat, we worked takedown defense and getting back up to our feet.

Joe Ray will be fighting UFC Vet and TMT alumni Chad Reiner for a Superfight Championship belt on the 18th of this month.  Reiner is from a wrestling background and has made the mistake of scheduling another fight after his bout with Joe Ray in Martial Combat against Chris Lozano (9-1) less than 9 days between the slugfests.  Joe Ray’s gameplan is going to be simple–avoid the takedown and work your way back up to the feet.

Brayden Summers will be facing a fighter from China that we know little about.  We suspect he will have tough Sanda striking, but probably limited grappling experience.  Brayden will be looking to GNP the win.

Good start to their last week of training!