Saturday, September 14th, 2013

UFC training in Kuwait with local fighter @mokuwait

To most of the region ”MMA” is better known as “UFC”.  Everyone in Kuwait wants to learn ”UFC”, however anyone who is a veteran of the sport of MMA realizes that there is no sport called ”UFC”.  Even the sport of ”MMA” is a compilation of other combat sports such as Boxing, Wrestling, Muay Thai, and Brzilian Jiu Jitsu training.

That said, there is a big supply of MMA, and fight opportunities in the Middle East.  Local promotion GFC has already held 4 events and with each event has established amateur and professional champions.

at 75 KG the amateur champion for GFC is a fighter named Mohammad Al Otaibi.  Mo is one of the students in my intro to BJJ program, and is currently scheduled to defend his belt on the upcoming Oct. GFC event.  A veteran of several striking martial arts Kuwait Mo is an aggressive striker.

In a story about ”how small the world is” Kuwait Mo worked extensively with my BJJ Brown Belt Wiktor Svensson who is now teaching MMA in Phuket Thailand at Maximum Fitness.

Moving Forward, Mo still has a lot of work ahead of him, however as you can see from his debut fight in GFC, he’s aggressive and ready to fight!!!!….no to just learn a few headlock defenses :)