Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

top 1% of America works 389 times harder than the rest of us?!

Very shocking video on the distribution of wealth in America.  I’m not really sure how accurate these statistics are…however I did find the video interesting.  I know during my 30 years of life, it does seem like the middle class is shrinking, and not because they are getting rich.  With the big bank bail outs, housing market crashes, and other ridiculous pats on the back to keep the rich, getting richer, it does feel like America’s government has become a business for the rich, using the poor and middle class as their customers.

With all of the Government spying coming to light, the continued inflation of the $$$, and the uncertainty surrounding the economy…it does appear the USA is in need of a change.

Maybe some actual healthcare, maybe some actual help with students wanting to further their education, maybe a little less pork barrel in our government contracts.