Friday, May 14th, 2010

Today was a long day…

Today started off with me heading down early to the fight arena.  ESPN STAR SPORTS asked me to appear on a Reality “Gamer” television program.

It was a good time–I ended up having to play a “Nintendo Wii”–and we played some “bodybuilder game” which made you strike “flexing” poses as your character ran through a wall—sounds lame…and it was…lol.

Needless to say–the slacking “Gamer” who does nothing but play video games all day—put the hurting on me.  LOL…even during the “Second round” of the competition–when I was suppose to “show him about MMA”—he gave me a black eye!!! LOL…the rookie—gave me a black eye!!!…needless to say—he was slammed repeatedly and eventually armbar-ed from mount…LOL!!!  Check out the Tv show online in a couple of weeks :)…it will be aired in over 24 different countries—to close to 300 million broadcasted viewers.

After my day of “Acting”—I had a few hours of down time.  I headed back to the hotel for a few hours.  It was good to get my mid-day nap in. LOL…I’m guessing a “Nap” is something I inherited from my mother–because…When I don’t get a chance to take that mid-day siesta…it really affects the rest of the day!!

Heading to the fights–I did a better job of commentating the fights today–then I did yesterday…not to say yesterday was bad…just saying…I felt more comfortable on the M-I-C today. LOL…After my fight career is over…I might have found my “true calling”

Tiger Muay Thai went 1-1 today.  Ngoo Ditty had a disappointing performance losing to his Filipino opponent by TKO about halfway through the first round.  He got his guard passed and mounted pretty easily.  I’m his coach—so the performance was less than expected.  He holds the rank of “BJJ Blue Belt” under me…and tonight–he didn’t show it.  The good thing is—he’ll be back in action next weekend when he faces a South African opponent in Macao.

David Gardner–of Team Quest won his fight…showing absolute heart beating his Korean opponent on points.  He was dropped early in the first and second rounds, but dominated the takedowns and won an easy decision.  Overall Gardner, Ngoo, and Wiktor earned Tiger Muay Thai a 2-1 performance on the ESPN broadcast…not bad for a lil’ gym in Phuket :)