Saturday, May 19th, 2012

Today I’m celebrating my two year anniversary!!!


Amazing how fast time flies!!

Today marks my two year anniversary of obtaining the rank of BJJ Black Belt under Juliano Prado.

After losing to Rodrigo Caporal at the Pan Asians last week as my first match as a black belt…I haven’t taken anytime off…as I went fresh to Boracay and have been training with Ole Laursen at his legacy gym.

When I return to Phuket in a couple of weeks I will be assisting Adam Kayoom prepare for his fight against Gregor Gracie bout…joining several other black belts in his camp for a few weeks of cross training.

This year I’ll be 30…

And honestly I can say I’ve never been in better shape(without a fight)…or as motivated with personal goals as I am today.

The old saying is…”the real learning starts at black belt”—and 2 years in…I’d have to say I agree.

Loyalty, Compassion, and the desire to continuously improve one’s self are the things that truly matter in life–OSU