Thursday, September 12th, 2013

To that fat person goggling Brazilian Jiu Jitsu @inspireq8 @kuwaitmma

LOL…gotta love that attention getter!  “To the fat person goggling brazilian jiu jitsu” is exactly what the title of female BJJ student Julia Abigale Johnsen  who is a Female BJJ grappler holding a Blue Belt with four stripes ranking and training in Korea.  I always love following other BJJ peoples blogs because it really helps you understand your student base.

Check out her latest blog entry!! Leave a few comments to show your appreciation for someone taking their time to Kick some knowledge to people about a life changing addiction called Brazilian Jiu Jitsu!

BJJ To the Fat person goggling Brazilian Jiu Jitsu blog entry…lol

And yes those are Pony Club Grappling spats in the video!