Saturday, February 12th, 2011

TMT Alumni fighting for a great cause…

It never seems to amaze me…

we get so many quality people through Tiger Muay Thai.  (we got a few…not so quality as well..but that will be for another blog entry…lol)

I’ve witnessed it time and time again–TMT guest getting together for a worthy cause.  When Jonathan Chan suffered his skull fracture, when Ratanachai’s baby needed a liver transplant…

Tiger Muay Thai Alumni and MMA hopeful Sandra Ben has dedicated herself to raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada–an organization that supports blood cancer research.

She has pledged to raise 5,000USD for the cause and on June 5th will run 42.2km in the San Diego Rock’n Roll Marathon…she still needs some help to reach her goal.

Sandra has been training in Martial Arts for 12 years and would like to use her passion to bring awareness to Leukemia and blood cancer research.  Her Cousin Carmelina Lo Dico is currently fighting Acut Lymphocytic Leukemia for the second time.

To get more info or to make a small donation click here