Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

This will make you wanna throw up…*PROMISE*

Okay guys…This is not a “MagicalRay Original”—I took this off of a thread on the UG.

Staph Infection is a problem anywhere in the world. (It has actually canceled a few High School wrestling season’s in the Midwest)

The guy at Middleasy.com decided to make an “ALL TIME TOP 10 WORST CASES OF STAPH IN MMA”

He included Pics, Video, and a bit of a description from each one.

Staph infections are common in combat sports where close contact, and bodily fluids are regularly exchanged during training.

**5 tips I do to prevent staph**


Own your own gear–it might cost you a little extra to purchase the gloves, shin pads, head gear, and hand wraps…but at least you know who used them last.  After each use, you should disinfect your training gear–leaving it out in the sun to dry.  I wouldn’t wear your underwear and socks–so why would I put my hand inside a pair of boxing gloves of yours?!—Do I know if you washed your hands after going pee?!


I know it is hot.  My T-shirt isn’t to keep me from sweating on you…my T-shirt is to keep your sweat off of me.  I don’t know what Thai Bar Girl you were with the night before.  I usually bring multiple T-shirts to class…and when one gets too wet—I change for a fresh T-shirt.  Cotton T-shirts are the best–because they absorb the most moisture…Don’t wear a “tank top”—keep in mind…I’m trying to keep your SWEAT OFF ME—what good does a sleeveless shirt do then?!!?


Just cause that cute foamy bodywash makes you smell like potpourri, doesn’t mean it is getting you clean.  MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP.  It is also important to make sure you are showering immediately after training.  Don’t go to the beach, eat lunch, grab a Thai massage—and then shower.  Not only does that make you one Funkee Munkee—it also increases the odds that you are going to allow harmful bacteria into your system.


“It’s just a Mosquito bite”–your right, it probably was “Just a Mosquito bite”…and then you scratched the entire top layer of your skin off.  Now it is an exposed wound.  Think about it like this…if someone had AIDS–and you had a freshly scratched Mosquito bite–would you volunteer that spot to become “blood brother’s” with them?!–prolly not.  Athletic Tape should always cover any small abrasions, scratches, or open wounds you have on your body.  I see people cover cuts with “band aid’s ” all the time…Think about that for a second—if you wore a band-aid into the pool…would it stay on?…Of course not you knucklehead…and if your training intensely–your body should be dripping wet–JUST LIKE YOU GOT OUT OF THE POOL…no bandaid is going to stay on with that type of moisture on your skin.  Use the athletic tape to cover around the entire wound.


Small abrasions around your finger nails, mosquito bites, paper cuts, etc..are all examples of small knicks and tings our body absorb on a daily basis.  After you shower–take a few seconds to touch each  one of those small openings with a cotton swab that has been dipped in Rubbing Alcohol—this will keep them disinfected and hopefully keep you staph free.


Pay attention to your body.  You know if something is wrong with your body.  Don’t be in denial.  Staph often starts as a “pimple that won’t pop”…then it mutates into “a blister where the top rubbed off”…eventually 1 spot, turns into 2, which begins to grow in size.  Don’t wait until your crippled and in a wheel chair to seek medical advice.  Go to the pharmacy–get on Antibiotics, Pick yourself up some anti-bacterial-fungal cream, and start using it immediately.  There is no harm in being precautions.

Anyways–thought it was an interesting article.  If you have time–check it out.