Sunday, July 7th, 2013

This morning was a cracker @inspireq8



While all my amurikan fans in Vegas were chanting USA!! USA!! USA!! This Fourth of July at the UFC Vegas…I was waking up at 7am for a private boxing session with New Zealand trainer Jamie Milne at InspireQ8.

Before training though…we managed to sneak in to watch the main event of Anderson Silva Vs. Chris Weidman.

Wow. End of an era. Sure, Silva was controlling the fight, and more than likely already in Wiedman’s head and on his way to defending his championship belt when life handed the Spider a slice of humble pie in the form of a looping hook!

I thought Weidman had a chance to win, however I figured he had to push and be the aggressor—It was clear Anderson Silva was well into his head already…however with 4oz gloves sometimes all it takes is a bit of aggression.

Needless to say after watching that stunning victory I was ready for some work with Jamie Milne. Jamie came to Kuwait with a solid background in Boxing and Combat conditioning. Working at the up market Inspire Fitness Gym in Kuwait, I was impressed with his pad work.

We mostly just knocked some rust off the hands as I haven’t hit pads in Kuwait and with heading to Thailand soon, I wanted to get a lil’ functional sports training in.

Didn’t take any video today as I felt a bit rusty with my hands, slow with my timing, and it was the first time working with Jamie.

I’ll see if he’s cool with me putting a round of our ninja training up on YouTube before my Ramadan travels start!!

Anyone in Kuwait looking for a good padman for boxing, Jamie is super friendly and able to work with everyone, not just pro’s. if running on the treadmill ain’t your thing…a few rounds on the pads with this ol’ chap might be more enjoyable!

What were your thoughts on the Silva fight? Did he deserve to lose? Would he win a rematch?
