Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

This is Andreas Hesselback’s idea of a diet!?

Hard to believe it has been 4 months since Andreas left Phuket.  Andreas was one of my first long term students when I arrived at Tiger Muay Thai–he received his blue belt under myself and Tony Eduardo.  As a professional MMA fighter he represented TMT in China, Indonesia, and Russia.

Earlier this year Andreas decided he needed a lil’ time away from Tiger to pursue other interests and get himself focused again.

We’ve fallen out of touch a bit…and today I went to check out his facebook….I was shocked at what I found.

SERIOUSLY ANDREAS?!?!?!…a Family sized Kebab Pizza with fries on it!?!?!…I can’t wait till you get back to Phuket.  Brayden Summers is winning me half a weeks salary :)