Monday, September 20th, 2010

The more times change…the more they stay the same?!!?

Went to check out Resident Evil Afterlife in “3D”.  Is it me….or does it seem like more and more movies are coming out in “3D”?!!?  It makes me laugh…because I hate wearing the goofy glasses.  I don’t care “how cool” the movie looks…wearing the 3D glasses is about as “uncool” as it gets.  (They aren’t very comfortable either)…makes me feel like my grandparents in the 1950’s going to watch “SWAMPTHANG” in 3D with lil’ goofy paper glasses on their heads.

All that being said…

I’ve developed a bit of a crush on Milla Jovovich—seriously I could watch her jump off the roof of a building carrying two handguns, a machete, six throwing stars, a baseball bat, and 10+ explosive devices all day.  Who doesn’t find a girl wearing a bikini top to battle SEK~C!? Overall the movie was decent—but not a homerun.