Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Sunday is made for the beach

Sunday is beach day here in Thailand.

I’ve had a pretty relaxing afternoon.  Used the morning to get caught up on a few gym related emails.  WEC Veteran Muhsin Corbbrey is arriving Wednesday to finish out his training camp for his Martial Combat Fight, and Marcelo Giudici’s nogi seminar will be Tuesday afternoon at 4pm…

on top of all of that it looks like Ole Laursen and the Legacy Gym has helped TMT secure 3 MMA fights in China on the 19th of June.

Drinking fresh coconuts at the beach—2 of them for 40Thb…that’s less than 1.50$!!!!

Not sure what stirred up all of the debris from the bottom of the Ocean–but a good amount of trash has been washed up on the shore–and several LARGE Jelly fish are  sitting ontop of the sand…I’m trying to remember—if you get stung  by a Jelly Fish…what are you suppose to do to stop the stinging?!?! =D