Monday, March 21st, 2011

Speak Thai for Muay Thai….

Okay…one of the things that foreigners struggle with when they train in Thailand…is the basic communication with their trainer (and the taxi cab driver…and the lady at 7 eleven…and the waitress…lol…you get the picture?).

While a majority of our thai trainers have some knowledge of English…it’s always helpful if you can communicate with them in Thai–even if it is on a very basic level.  They really appreciate seeing a foreigner attempt to learn their culture…not just demand ‘teach me’—truly establishing a friendship with your instructor is the best way to make sure you ‘learn as much as possible’.

In an effort to help bridge the gap–TMT is going to produce a series of videos called ‘speak thai for muay thai’–they are just going to be put out on the Internet…but it might be helpful for those of you looking to train in Thailand to start studying…atleast the basics ;P

***We are going to re-record the video…audio wasn’t quality enough…those should be uploaded in the next day or two….but here is a quick sample :)

Kru Oh is the instructor of the krabi kabong classes and is available for traditional bamboo tattoo’s. He is the instructor explaining the thai words.