Friday, August 8th, 2014

Something to make you feel good #believe

Cool video I was sent this morning by a friend.

Currently in Cambodia I am experiencing a new kind of poor. While eating dinner last night, there were amputees, orphans, and other people down on their luck passing by the table trying to get donations.

1 of the girls was expressly cute, selling homemade bracelets for 1$–she was kind sweet and very intelligent for a 13 year old. When asked if she had a boyfriend she cheekily said “2 I’m a player”–lol.

Several victims of mines also touched my soul, innocent victims of a violent civil war not that long ago in cambodia’s history.

The third that stuck out was a little boy maybe 10 years old asking for baby formula for his sister. Knowingly once the baby formula was bought he would return to the store for the cash, He hustled hard for some spare cash, while the waitress told us he was without a mother and father.

Off tonight for the Capitol of Cambodia, tomorrow will be viewing the killing fields. Which I think will be a moving learning experience