Thursday, August 19th, 2010

So what if you have 10x’s the amount of fights I have…

That is exactly what Joe Ray said last night when he faced UFC Vet Chad Reiner.

Chad a former guest of TMT is known as a tough veteran with over 30 pro mma fights.  Joe Ray represented TMT at Martial Combat 3 when he knocked out Evolve MMA instructor Zoro Moreria, and going into his bout against Chad only had 3 pro MMA fights.

Winning the first two rounds convincingly, it seemed like it was  only a matter of time before “Joe Ray-TRAIN” landed the overhand right.  Midway through the third, countering a rushing Chad Reiner, the shot landed, and the crowd cheered wildly.  Next up for TMT is Brayden “Stinky” Summers tonight when he faces an opponent from China.

To read full results from the event check out the ESPN website.