Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

…Snap..Crackle…Pop…someone call the Doc…

…Seems like I’ve been having more then my fare share of injuries lately.  My knee is still nagging from the heel hook I was caught in a few weeks back, and that has forced me to withdrawal my name from the DEEP X tourney.  With the bumps and bruises to the body…my natural ‘curve’ has started to mutate…and I’m looking more—and–more—cripple each day…lol.

Dr. Anthony Kell works at the American Health Co., Ltd. near the Central festival in Phuket.  His offices are new…and very professional.  I went into his facility today and he looked at my posture before evaluating which areas needed additional attention.  Working massage, he loosened the areas before adjusting my frame.  I felt the immediate release of tension when he was done with the adjustment.

Anyone in Phuket Thailand suffering from headaches, migraines, back pain, sciatica, bulging discs, or any other type of sports injury needs to check out Dr. Kell!~