Monday, February 28th, 2011

Seriously…I could find 1,000,000 other ways to spend my day then this!!!

Jetstar airlines….I will NEVER fly you again!!!

Last year I flew with the budget airline to the UFC in Sydney and they double billed my bank—taking MONTHS to debit the money back—after about 20-30 phone calls.

I gave em another shot….and after spending 45 mins on the runway…they are now making us de-plane…something about faulty brakes.

I’m glad they discovered the plane was broken before we tried to land…but I’m pissed that my entire day is gonna be spent hanging out in the airport. I’m gonna miss my connecting flight in Singapore…which means that I might not get home tonight :(

…Phew…Thanx for listening guys…I already feel better after venting.

*grabs luggage…heads to the food court to use this ‘free food voucher’ that they have decided is fair compensation for an entire day of my time!!!