Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

Romie Adanza and The legend of the Muay Thai Mongkol…

While in the Philippines WBC International Champion Romie Adanza took a second to explain what made his Mongkol special to him.  Using the hair from his daughter Alyssa’s first haircut, it was created for his protection while stepping into the ring to fight.

One of the most recognized rituals and ceremonies of muay Thai is the “Wai Kru- Rham muay”.

Before a Muay Thai fight starts, both fighters ‘seal’ the ring.  Entering over the top rope (instead of between the ropes like in western boxing)–a fighter insures that the ‘good’ spirits remain in the ring.  (if he went between the ropes–the ‘good spirits’ might escape)

Prior to the Wai Kru, the fighter will ‘seal’ the ring walking to each corner, saying a short blessing, hoping that the good spirits stay in during the fight…some coaches even joke that the ‘zip-lock’ of the ring…is to keep their opponent from leaving before the bout.

During the “wai kru”, and prior to the fight, the fighters wear a mongkol or headband.

A Mongkol usually has had Buddhist prayers and chants rolled into the device…as a way of  good luck.  After the sealing of the ring and performing a Wai Kru it is removed following a short prayer by the fighters ‘Kru’ (Coach) and placed on the ring post in their corner.

Fighters will often wear  “prajeat” or “prachet” arm bands, just above each bicep.  In ancient times, these were usually made from a piece of cloth torn from the skirt or blouse of the fighters wife or mother after being blessed by a monk…I find it pretty cool that Romie’s includes hair from his daughters 2nd trip to the salon :)

For more info on Romie Adanza or an opportunity to train with Team Oyama check out their website.