Monday, March 4th, 2013

Rome was built in a day?!


Got into Rome this morning from Trieste via the train…only to realize BOTH Ole and myself left our luggage in the train station.

Panic struck as Ole has his 4 career championship belts packed in his suitcase…and mine (which Qatar airlines just delivered) had my BJJ black belt certificate, along with all the clothes I haven’t shipped to Kuwait yet.

Attempting to communicate in Italy is difficult if you only speak English…However the front desk lady from the Vicotria Hotel named Daniela saved the day! Calling the train station, she discovered our bags had been sent to the police station…eventually heading to the police station to collect our bags, she is sending them to meet us in Rome tomorrow via DSL.

Thank you Daniela!!!

Since our bags were sorted, and we didn’t have to travel 10+ hours back to Trieste, we headed to the Colosseum for a day of trouble making and history learning.

Was an amazing experience!! More pics/video to come!

Hoping to visit the new pope at the Vatican tomorrow!!
