Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

Queen Anne Hotel A haunted house in San Francisco!

So I’m still catching up on things after my little road trip with mom, in addition to my training, I’ve started taking an online class  aimed at increasing my overall knowledge in fitness, health, body mechanics.

I wanted to make sure I put up a review of the Bed and Breakfast we stayed at.  Called the Queen Anne Hotel, the place was styled like an old Victorian house, both inside and out.  With 4 floors, many of the rooms had fireplaces, and on the bottom floor there was a great parlor, library, and several side rooms where you could lounge and relax with a glass of complimentary brandy or tea.


Originally a boarding school build by Senator James Fair known as the MARY LAKE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Mary Lake ran the school of 100+ upper middle class girls, teaching them how to become fine ladies of established families.  Mary Lake was a kind school master, and when the school closed in 1896 due to financial difficulties, many said it broke Mary’s Spirit, and she soon disappeared from San Fran.  The school house building was one of the few that survived the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 and throughout the years changed hands many times. In 1980 the building was finally bought and given the renovations it so dearly needed and became a bed and breakfast hotel named the Queen Anne B & B Hotel.

The San Francisco Queen Anne Hotel is still believed to be haunted by the spirit of Miss Lake who is over joyed that the building has been returned to a place of life, instead of upscale girls to take care of the Ghost of Mary Lake is rumored to delight in treating the guests of her lovely building.

Listed on people have claimed to feel a presence throughout the hotel with hot and cold spots and occasional sightings of a misty apparition of Mary Lake.  Many other guests have noticed she has actually cleaned up their room for them, folding clothes, or hanging jackets that were noticed out of place.

It is rumored that room 410 is the most haunted, because it was once her office (it’s now a lovely suite, with a fireplace, lol)

Overall it was really a cool hotel to stay at.  It was centrally located and not far from Fishermans Wharf, Alcatraz Tours, Empower Gym, or any of the other activities we enjoyed. The breakfast was good, having a fresh waffle maker! I am looking forward to a return stay. The hotel did charge an additional 20$ per night for parking, which probably should have been complimentary, especially considering the had evening brandy alcoholic drinks complimentary. LOL, but maybe they are just encouraging more ghosts, do you believe in ghosts?!.
