Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Push it to the limits…

Still not back to training since my Martial Combat fight—been nursing a bit of a chronic bad back, and am taking sometime to relax (and get fat) after my 8 weeks of solid training.

I’ve been back to instructing the morning Submission Grappling classes, and am helping Joe Ray, Brayden Summers, Milkman, Raphael, and Rosco get ready for their International bouts in August.

Today in the AM class we worked 3 different ways to pass the half guard.  Following the technique the class participated in “circuits”.  Basically they did 3 rounds of  circuit training.  4 different exercises were each repeated twice, for a duration of 35 seconds.

The morning class is geared towards beginners.  With that being said, we encourage all of the students to set long term and short term goals.

Some of the students are wanting to lose weight and get in shape, some are wanting to learn how to defend themselves, while others are looking to develop the skills necessary to fight professionally.

The important part of the conditioning program is “Always doing the best that YOU can do”.  I don’t expect my students to all be on the same fitness or athletic ability, but I do expect them all to work hard and encourage one another to push through “tough training sessions”.  Work ethic is contagious and if your tired–and look over and see a “slacking” teammate…your more likely to “ease off the gas” too.  Today was a great training session—I was really proud of everyone as they pushed through the humid/hot weather and continued to get closer to their own unique personal goals.  As the old saying goes—“Even Baby Steps Count”

Tomorrow is the In-Class-Grappling tournament…and Saturday will be BBQ Beatdown!!