Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Psssttt…come close and let me pollinate your ear.

Haven’t blogged much today–just trying to get focused on my Thai fight tonight.

The Thai I’m facing has pretty good kicks–so I’ve been mentally preparing myself for a viscous bout….fighting in July for Martial Combat–This bout is more about shaking some ring rust off the ol’ fight game than it is about “winning”.  After fight purse, and sponsorship money (please visit the sponsors)…My Superfight in Singapore is going to be a good payday, so getting through tonight healthy is a priority.

…Tonight–the goal is–fight smart, and don’t get hurt.  As long as I do that…I’m confident I’ll put forth a good performance regardless of “Win” or “Loss”.

Off to go pick up Andreas in about an hour–and then I’ll be heading up to Bangla Stadium.  *If your making it to the fight–thank you for the support*…if your not—your missing the show :)

*Wonders…do they know what a “Wet Willy” is in Sweden!?!?…*Then hopes…my blog doesn’t turn up “pink” tomorrow :(