Monday, June 4th, 2012

Press “like” if you want Adam Kayoom to win. Leave a comment if your cheering for Gregor Gracie @onefcmma

Malaysia….Thailand and the rest of southeast Asia (maybe even including Australia)…need to show up and show Adam Kayoom their support.

A pioneer in Malaysian martial arts–and one of the most instrumental figures in bringing BJJ to Thailand…Kayoom will be facing Gregor Gracie on the 23rd in Malaysia…a GRACIE!!!

Adam also holding the rank of black belt will do battle against Gregor Gracie as the masterful coach Renzo Gracie works his corner.

Kayoom is gonna look to take the fight and push the pace while defending the takedown…I expect violence…from both sides.

This fight could go down in history as the single most important fight in the history of Malaysian MMA…make sure your their live and buy a tix if your in the region!!