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The baddest FEMALE Muay Thai fighter on the PLANET @invictafights makes debut

I remember when Miriam Nakamoto won her first WORLD TITLE in MUAY THAI in 2007. She was fresh off the FIGHT GIRLS reality TV show, and fighting in front of...

“Birdchest” @eshtonthomas winning medals

Congratulations!! Makes me proud seeing several of the students I introduced to BJJ in Malaysia still sticking with the sport even though I am no longer able...

What could be more expensive than gas in 2013?!

Even I was a bit surprised when I took the rental car to go get filled up today... Gas light came on while I was driving to fill literally filled the...

Justice Served, Kuwaiti style

Big new yesterday in Kuwait, as they had the first executions in the country in almost 6 years. 3 men, all convicted murders had their final moments...

Ever wonder who the fattest country was!? can make statistics look almost anyway you want... Coming from America...I'm use to seeing all the ''Out of Shape''---Former ''Wrestlers"...

Here is a difference between GI and NOGI on the Armbar technique

Got in some training today in Kuwait, and decided to show a strategy that I like to utilize during NOGI rolling situations.  Often BJJ players who only wear...