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What does success mean to you?!

At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants, At age 12 success is having friends, At age 16 success is having a drivers license, At age 20 success is...

Great customer service #naga

So I was actually planning on traveling this weekend to the South of France to compete in the very first ever NAGA event held in the city. Do to the limited...

Is it summer yet?!

With the first official day of summer last's starting to heat up! While its been 115 degrees in Kuwait this week...atleast we aren't going to have...

It ain’t the whitehouse it’s #buckinghampalace

Hard to believe I'm an American...but I've never seen the White House in person...LOL. Since 1837 Buckingham palace has been the official residence of the...

Off to the torture racks #toweroflondon!!!

While in London last weekend, I got a chance to check out the Tower of London or ''Her Majesties Royal Palace and Fortress". Founded in 1066, the Tower of...

Hey @superjjambrose quick question

Have you seen the new Superman movie?! Would it be possible the Brits have their own Superman?! India has...