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A fight is a fight…so why shake hands?

I saw this online--and thought it was an interesting video. The fighters walk to the center of the ring and touch gloves, and immediately after the friendly...

Let me hear your *WAR SCREAM*…

... Sir William Wallace showed us in the movie Braveheart the effectiveness of an intimidating "War Scream"... So as part of today's morning grappling...

Does it ever rain in Thailand?

LOL...that is like asking if it is ever hot on the surface of the sun. Seriously though--Thailand does not have Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.  The...

New supplement added into the daily regiment…

Thanx to the suggestion of a friend, I am now taking Spirulina as a daily supplement.  Spirulina was used by the Russian’s in the 2006 Olympic games as a...

Ever wake up on Monday and wish you didn’t act a fool on the weekend?

Diet- Guess that is something that needs to be a life style.  You can't diet 5 days, and then take 2 least after this weekend that is how I'm...

Baby Car seat…Thailand Style…

Okay-- anyone who has ever been to Thailand understands how dangerous driving a motorbike is around here.  Most of the drivers on the road have no "formal...