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Lean…and Mean…

The closer it gets to my fight...the harder time I am finding to think of things to blog about other than Seriously, my days...

17 more training days…

Count down time!!!---I've been training hard, and am impressed with the progress my Cardio has made during the past couple of weeks.  I am already "on weight"...

Eat healthy…be healty

Just finished up 20 mins of Thai clenching, 3 rounds of padwork, 3 rounds of bag work, and 3 rounds of additional 100 knees,kicks,teeps, and...

TMT Alumni Yasubey Enomoto Knocks out ADCC Champion Sanae Kikuta at SENGOKU JAPAN!!

*Woot*...*Woot*... What a BIG WEEK of fight results Tiger Muay Thai has had the last few weeks, besides...

You know your a drunk when…

When you can have this many EMPTY bottles of Jack Daniels. A bottle of Jack this size is almost 60$ in Thailand!!!...these empty bottles could have prolly...

Lojak Religion…cause’ you know it looks good!

In tha' words of Lil' John...."Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh" Lojak, once only a name-brand in Australia, but gaining momentum they have recently blown up...