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Phuket bör kallas den lilla ön i Sverige …

Team Sweden #winningold with their Scandinavian coach Wiktor Wiktor has been doing a great job as Drew Jitsu's replacement for the evening...

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The terminator and @rogerhuerta @tigermuaythai

I've been hearing Rumors Huerta might be fighting again this summer! He's started training with Big Robert 'the terminator' and I caught the two of them...

Claire Haigh’s WPMF Championship fight from the other night…

Claire 'Bear' Haigh is a BEAST....seriously...a beast.  I'd put her against any girl in Thailand. Her Thai opponent was strong, but well outclassed and the...

Being a black belt is one thing…

Winning the ADCC trials, winning the American Nationals, medaling during the mundials...that is another thing all together. Been amazing having Tony back at...

If Martial Arts were the military wrestling would be the Marines…

Yeah. You could say that. Wrestlers have to be strong. Wrestling is an intense martial art that requires the competitors to dig deep and persevere. Mentally...