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@UFC in Guam w/ spike22 n @UFC #Korea star Dongi Yang

At Melchor's house watching BJ Penn walk to the cage. After JJ's win and Eli's black belt's a good vibe. Korean Top Team is in the house with...

Claire Haigh Vs. Tang Jin #MMA #CHINA tonight

While I'm cornering JJ Ambrose in Guam Tonight...and everyone at the gym is enjoying the BBQ Beatdown... Claire Haigh will be facing Chinese MMA Standout...

#thingsblackpeopledo @superjjambrose

Okay...I could help put laugh last night when JJ 'borrowed' about 10lbs of chicken wings. Picking me up from a Halloween Party at a local bar in Guam...JJ...

a lesson in humility…

8 years ago I was a 20 year old kid. 5-3 as a professional in MMA, I got a call to face BJJ Black Belt Charuto as a last minute replacement in...

*Congrats* Eli Monge on your new BJJ Black Belt #GUAM #BJJ SON!

Today was the first time as a 'Black Belt' I watched another individual be given the rank of 'professor'...gotta admit it was a memorable...

Jamaican Grill Guam SON!

*BOOM*...Thanx for the recommendations ladies and gentleman... This place has replaced everything formerly known as 'On ThA...