Sunday, December 5th, 2010

One day of fighting is enough for me!

Yesterday I went to watch the first day of the King’s Cup event held at sanuam luam in Bangkok.

They moved the spot the fights are held every year due to some construction. Not sure who’s idea it was…but they put the ring alongside a water canal.

Picture this…literally 1,000’s of people in a standing room only area…packed shoulder to shoulder with a canal of water blocking on side and fencing corralling the other end.

It took me 20 mins of pushing and shoving my way through the crowd to get out! Needless to say…one day of that sweaty crowd was enough for me!

Glad I got to see Anna and Johnny fight live…but I think I’ll watch tonights event from my home in Phuket…was thinking about staying another night…but can’t be bothered with that headache again (and tonight will be even more hectic)