Monday, May 10th, 2010

Once I was a champion

I figured I’d use this opportunity to plug my buddy Gerard Smith’s new project.

Gerard is a Tribeca Film Festival award winner–and has been working on a film documentary based on the life of former UFC Champion Evan Tanner.  The documentary has been picked up by TAPOUT CLOTHING and will be coming out early next year sometime.

The  documentary is going to be very in depth–Gerard interviewed former training partners, ex girlfriends, high school friends–etc.

Those of you not familiar with Evan Tanner—this documentary is going to touch on so many other topics beyond fighting–that anyone will be able to relate.

Check out the website!

Believe in yourself.
Believe in your own potential for greatness.
Believe that you can change the world.
It is something that is within each of us.
Believe in the Power of One.

Evan Tanner