Friday, December 3rd, 2010

Ohhh…no…I had to cut my own hair!!!!

Aaaggghhhh…the barber is closed.  This weekend is the King of Thailand’s birthday.  My local barber shop (and all the other ones I know) are closed for the long holiday weekend.

I’m going to be heading up to Bangkok to check out Johnny Betts and Anna Hagebring Muay Thai fights in celebration of the King’s Birthday.  Both Johnny and Anna are fighting Saturday to kick the weekend of Thai fights off.

Needless to say, I’ve been grinding–and the beard/hair needed a lil’ upkeep.  As Kitty would say…I was lookin’ “rough”…lol.

My barber skills are less than ‘refined’.  I wish I could have hooked my hair up with a sweet fade—edging up the sides…but sadly…when I realized I–MYSELF–was going to have to give it a cut…in order to look presentable in BKK…I figured it would be best to rock a clean shave, and use a 1 on the clippers…lol.

Should be a good trip to BKK.  Besides Johnny and Anna’s fights…Martial Combat MMA fighter Vuyisile Colossa will be fighting in the King’s Cup tournament on Sunday…guess who his first opponent is going to be…Yodsenklai Fairtex! I’m also planning to stop in at BKK BJJ and check out Adam Kayoom this evenning…hopefully will be able to pick up Scott Hudson’s silver medal from the Thailand Open as well…crossing my fingers I can fit a lil’ shopping in at MBK as well =)