Monday, October 10th, 2011

…now that’s a bunch of tough guys!

Glad to get back in the gym after the weekend. Refreshed and looking forward to getting everyone ready for their upcoming fights.

Jj Ambrose is fighting MMA in Guam on the 29th—>and Claire Haigh will be fighting MMA the same night in Beijing China.

…if that wasn’t enough…BBQ Beatdown 41 will be held on the 29th as well…with several of the amateur MMA fighters at Tiger Muay Thai competing as well.

Talk about a busy schedule!

Great attendance and wonderful attitude today by everyone in the morning bjj class!…went over some attacks from side control before doing cardio circuits and rolling.

Off to advanced MMA now…but TMT still has the 7PM class for those looking to get their ‘roll on’

