Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Now that is one sad little puppy!!!

I had to take lil’ Negra to the Vet today for followup puppy shots.

She had a few ticks on her—so we brought her to the dog parlor first…then sent her to Vet’s office for her checkup/doggy shots.

—-It was sad having to explain to everyone why we only have a ‘black dog’ this time—and why their is no ‘Blanca’.  Hopefully this dog has learned not to play in the road.

…One of my students heard that I thought my lil’ white dog had been hit by a car (even though no body was found)

…He told me a mean joke.

‘I saw a fight between a Chicken and a Dog on the way to the gym…The car won’—It made me shed a tear :’P